Rome, NY –Jeffrey Lanigan, Republican candidate for Rome Mayor, issued a statement today following recent comments by his opponent regarding her alleged support by the Republican Party. Last week, Izzo issued a press release to local media outlets and posted the same release on her Mayor Jackie Izzo Facebook page which provides a deliberately inaccurate representation of her support from the Republican Party. In her release, she states she is “very pleased to carry the endorsement of all 3 major parties” and she includes the Republican Party on her list. Izzo has repeated this false narrative on the radio as she continues with her attempts to deceive voters. The campaign team for Jeff Lanigan is providing information to the media and other organizations to correct this misinformation. Team Lanigan contends that Ms. Izzo is entitled to her own opinion, but not her own facts.
Following Jeff Lanigan’s monumental win squarely beating two-time incumbent Jackie Izzo in the Republican Primary on June 27, 2023, City of Rome Republican Committee Chair John Nash sent an email to the full City Committee stating unequivocally that the committee is in full support of Jeff Lanigan’s candidacy. In the email, Nash writes, “Since we are the REPUBLICAN City Committee, our duty is to support our Republican candidates. Specifically, Jeff Lanigan won the Republican primary and is our candidate for Mayor. We need to come together as a Committee and support Jeff.” The email clearly shows that the Republican Committee’s support is directly behind Jeff Lanigan, the only Republican candidate who will be on the Republican ballot line on November 7, 2023.
Jeff Lanigan said today, “My opponent was originally endorsed with a narrow margin by the Rome Republican Committee on February 5, 2023. That committee’s roster of 62 members included a significant number of City employees as well as friends and relatives of Jackie Izzo who over the last several years were strategically placed to serve in the wards and districts carrying the highest weighted vote. It was no surprise to our team that she received the initial endorsement, so we worked very hard to get our message of transparency and accountability out to the Republican voters. That hard work paid off and the Republican voters made their choice at the polls on June 27. Per the City Committee’s bylaws, once the voters have made their choice in a Primary Election, committee members are required to support the winner. While there are certainly Republican voters who still support Izzo, any claim that she has the support of the Republican Party is patently false and is being made in an attempt to once again deceive the public.”
Despite the repeated attempts by the Izzo team to discredit Jeff Lanigan, he remains committed to continuing with his positive campaign message and speaking to as many people as possible about his vision for the City of Rome. He went on to say, “My campaign team will not be reduced to cheap political trickery or smoke and mirrors to win an election. I am a lifelong Republican, and I am very thankful to the voters for selecting me as their Republican candidate for the general election on November 7th. Over the course of the next 80 days, I will continue to share my ideas with all voters on how my administration will focus on improving public safety, increasing recreational opportunities, supporting small business development, and cleaning up our neighborhoods. These can all be done without sacrificing the continued economic development at Griffiss or the redevelopment of downtown. I have no aspirations for higher office, and I have no hidden agenda. It is my desire to serve my community again in the most effective way. I will continue to listen to all Rome residents, regardless of their party affiliation, to learn about what they think is important. I am thankful for the tremendous amount of support I’ve received so far across all party affiliations and, if elected, I look forward to being a Mayor for Everyone!”
Jeff Lanigan is on the Republican and Right for Rome Independent lines for the November 7, 2023, General Election. To learn more about Jeff Lanigan’s campaign visit, find him on Facebook at, contact him by phone at (315) 630-ROME (7663) or by email at

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